A vision for your Home

You have heard it said,where there is no Vision the people perish (sorry to sound so dramatic)… Well it is the same thing with your home.. okay well not really but your upcoming home design project will kill your home appeal if you do not have that overall picture of what kind of space you envision.

This is a sure way to create a space that is not cohesive and will not look collected.(This is a lot of homes)I honestly prefer a boring looking space than a confused one. so where do you start?Start here..Let me take you through the process.

1.Make pin interest your Friend, Instagram too

This two platforms will give you so much inspo than you will ever need (honestly my pinterest page is my second home. I have more than twenty boards,. I have a pinterest page with all my email accounts (I should stop that). You get it collect as many pics as you like and drool over them as you feel out what looks and feels like home to you.

So take this modern scandi(turned midcentury) project dinning we did last year.scroll down to see whole home reveal.

First step we exchange a number of ideas between the client and I and agree on what we like in each picture. After a series of ideas we agree on every furniture and accessory item that we desire for the project .

I then proceed to create a moodboard from the same.See the projects moodboard. The mood board can be as detailed as possible,illustrating color schemes,accessories and all the design project items that the client and designer have agreed on.

The next step is shopping or tailoring items that we have agreed on,if they items are not available or off the budget,we tailor them.Having a vision for your home helps you stay on track and avoid getting excited especially during the shopping phase.

I often have to ask clients to kindly adhere to the board to avoid the home not looking cohesive,most of the times I win,sometimes I don’t (I usually give a disclaimer for this)..Goes like …this is your choice.

Creating a mood board however does not mean you copy and paste everything you on the board,that is where I come in, to avoid your house looking like a showroom and not a home.The task to have the space look personal,beautiful and warm requires creativity and a design eye ..some homeowners have it while others do not.

Having a vision for your home helps guide and not necessarily tie one or restrict this requires a sweet balance.See what we finally created.

Often times the design may evolve as we continue exchanging ideas and may replace items in the moodboard with others,though the overall design may not cross all the t,s and dots on the moodboard it takes so much from it .(really wanted to use the though it tally it will come to pass)for all of us Bible hogs:)

Do you have an upcoming home project?let us help you walk through it.We would love homes and are here to help.

Be good.


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Moody Bohemian Farmhouse Dream


Hi lovelies

This has been such a beautiful year for me in design.When I get to work with clients who want to dream all the way to the stars,moon and back.I am always ready to go.

so along came Njeri,(name of homeowner) Njeri kinda knew what she wanted and I came to realize she wanted every style..he he.she loved the traditional and modern,she loved bohemian but not too much,moody rooms but not too much mood.She loves the smell of wood and painted wood was something she was obsessed with.She wanted that cottage vibe in the middle of the city.So I set out to make a girls dream come true. Here is the home reveal

There it is a bohemian farmhouse dream that had quite its challenges..BUT God ..he always works everything out for everyone good!!

Do you have an upcoming design project ?Reach out to us we would love to help.

Be good

Location: Nairobi Kilimani
Designer: Fraciah Karindi
Package: Classic

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